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- Date: Fri, 7 Oct 94 07:33:11 PDT
- From: The Info-Mac Moderators <info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu>
- Reply-To: Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- Subject: Info-Mac Digest V12 #133
- To: info-mac-list
- Info-Mac Digest Fri, 7 Oct 94 Volume 12 : Issue 133
- Today's Topics:
- [*] Acrobyte BeyondMeasure QuarkXTension
- [*] BMW in front of a picture of Venezuela
- [*] ChunkJoiner 1.2; concatenates files
- [*] clipfolio101; a clipboard extension
- [*] Co-motion Lite group brainstorming shareware
- [*] Disk Charmer 2.2.1; floppy disk ERASE utility
- [*] Disk Wizard 1.0.3 - LE programme de gestion de disquettes!
- [*] Disk Wizard 1.0.3 - the ultimate disk cataloging software!
- [*] Ferrari; a picture
- [*] FinderFont 2.1.1; a substitue for Geneva
- [*] Hal's Bookmarks; for Anarchie or Fetch
- [*] JW_Space_island.jpg; a picture
- [*] Keys! 1.0b3; an alternative to command keys
- [*] LEU.10/94; Low End User magazine
- [*] MailShare 1.0b7; an SMTP server
- [*] My roundup on Macintosh Security Software (11K)
- [*] New_eps_fixer; a PostScript utility
- [*] NewsWatcher 2.0b14; a news client
- [*] ProCalc 1.2.1 Scientific Calculator
- [*] profont103.hqx (new release of ProFont)
- [*] Pro Predictor Week#5 Update; NFL data file
- [*] Quinn's ObiWan Preferences
- [*] RoboWar 4.0; program your own robot combat
- [*] Scales & Modes version 1.0; guitar scales
- [*] SetupPartitions 1.0.4; more than 1 Mac partition w/Apple HD Setup
- [*] Shareware Survey
- [*] SoftwareFPU 3.01; an FPU emulator
- [*] WakeUp1.3; audio control of your screen saver
- [*] ZTerm 1.0b2 Terminal Emulator - PUBLIC BETA - 04 Oct 94
- (Q) At Ease 2.0.x with FileTyper/Snitch?
- (R) SCSI 4.3 Problems? (Sigma PowerPortrait)
- 7.5 CDROM (A)
- [Q] Mac 630, IDE Hard Drive
- A/UX versus a 'real' UNIX box
- Any typing tutors around
- Chemical Formulae
- Chooser zones yes, devices no
- desktop textures installer
- Help: System 7.5 and NEC 5FGp Monitor
- Huge MacTCP Control Panel
- Info-Mac Digest V12 #131
- Info-Mac Digest V12 #132 (2 msgs)
- Launcher weirdness (7100/66, sys 7.5)
- MacCheck
- MacLink 8
- Newton info & software?
- Now Utilities 5.0
- Quark Updater 3.31r2 - only works on US English versions!
- QuickDraw GX problem
- seek info of user adjustability
- Stats packages
- Uh oh, gotta un-".gz" the file??
- Unexplainable Shutdowns
- Where In The World Is Nobu Toge
- Windows NT Advanced Server + Select 360f?
- The Info-Mac Network operates by the volunteer efforts of:
- Bill Lipa, Gordon Watts, Liam Breck, Igor Livshits, Adam C. Engst
- The Info-Mac Archive is available at 50 public and private sites around
- the world. For the site list, request it by mail (see below), or try:
- gopher://sumex-aim.stanford.edu/info-mac/help/mirror-list.txt
- Also accessible by ftp. Help files and indexes are also in info-mac/help/.
- Mail articles for publication in the digest to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- Mail files for inclusion in the archives to macgifts@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- Mail administrative queries and info to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 5 Oct 1994 22:34:19 -0600
- From: Ralph Risch <risch@alumni.cs.colorado.edu>
- Subject: [*] Acrobyte BeyondMeasure QuarkXTension
- XTension which provides Floating Rulers in QuarkXPress that snap to the
- elements of a page. Measure tool to find the distance and angle between any
- two points in a document. Instant Dimensions display the location, width and
- height of the current box, right at the cursor.
- [Archived as /info-mac/app/quark-beyond-measure.hqx; 80K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 04 Oct 1994 22:49:06 -0600
- From: pedrojr@utxvms.cc.utexas.edu (Pedro Terroba Jr.)
- Subject: [*] BMW in front of a picture of Venezuela
- This is a picture of a BMW sports can that I placed in front of a picture
- of Venezuela. Hope you like it and if you want to see more just let me
- know!!
- The picture look best on thousand of colors and a 14" moniter.
- Thanks Pedrojr@utxvms.cc.utexas.edu
- [Archived as /info-mac/grf/venezuela-bmw.hqx; 250K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 5 Oct 1994 13:59:34 +0100
- From: simula3@di.unito.it (Fabrizio Oddone)
- Subject: [*] ChunkJoiner 1.2; concatenates files
- ChunkJoiner is a small utility that lets you join (concatenate)
- any group of files in a single piece.
- Select the files you want to join, and drag&drop them onto ChunkJoiner.
- You can skip the data up to and including a configurable text string,
- and/or skip the data beyond and including another configurable text string,
- within each chunk going to be joined.
- This is useful whenever you receive long enclosures and your e-mail gateway
- splits the messages in several chunks.
- You can build digests by adding header, separators, and footer.
- ChunkJoiner works on any Macintosh, but it
- **requires** System 7 or later.
- New since version 1.1.1:
- "Fat" application;
- can join in reverse order;
- can insert header, separators, and footer.
- Enjoy yourself and remember the $5 shareware fee!
- [Archived as /info-mac/disk/chunk-joiner-12.hqx; 49K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 5 Oct 1994 17:02:14 -0700
- From: ericstad@netcom.com (Eric Stadtherr)
- Subject: [*] clipfolio101; a clipboard extension
- Clipfolio watches your work and every time you cut or copy
- information to the clipboard, Clipfolio copies that information. Your
- information is saved and you can come back later to use it over and
- over while you continue copying new stuff (which is also being saved).
- Clipfolio will save up to 20 of your most recent cuts or copies.
- Automatically!
- When you want to access something that Clipfolio has saved,
- simply bring up Clipfolio's window and select the desired item. It
- will be put back on the clipboard in its original form!
- Designed and written by Eric Stadtherr and Eric Roccasecca.
- Version 1.0.1 relaxes the usage restriction for unregistered copies.
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/clipfolio-101.hqx; 61K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 5 Oct 1994 18:15:07 -0500
- From: dean_bittner@ccinet.ab.ca (Dean Bittner, Bittco Solutions)
- Subject: [*] Co-motion Lite group brainstorming shareware
- With Co-motion Lite, get your group working together to brainstorm ideas
- in a shared, real-time discussion on your networked Mac's. Start with an
- issue in your live meeting space, then invite your group to link up and
- share ideas. The process is fast and efficient as everyone can talk at
- once through their keyboards. Your ideas will inspire the ideas of others.
- All participants can print a report that details these ideas. Host and
- participant capabilities in every copy means no administration headaches.
- Whether you are trying to determine the future of your company or what to
- serve at the barbecue, don't brainstorm alone!
- Price: $30 US/copy
- Req's: System 7, 4MB total RAM, HD, any AppleTalk compatible network
- [Archived as /info-mac/app/co-motion-lite.hqx; 198K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 5 Oct 1994 13:59:12 +0100
- From: simula3@di.unito.it (Fabrizio Oddone)
- Subject: [*] Disk Charmer 2.2.1; floppy disk ERASE utility
- Disk Charmer 2.2.x is a neat utility that lets you conveniently
- initialize (or verify) floppy disks.
- It _requires_ at least System 7 to run.
- It has a nice, modeless interface.
- Help Balloons are everywhere.
- It supports drag&drop - even the new Drag Manager.
- It is able to create larger disks: you gain 8.5K on a 800K disk,
- 18.5K on a HD disk (if you keep one large file filling the disk,
- such as a Compact Pro/StuffIt segment).
- It is the first disk formatter supporting the handy "Undo" feature
- we all know and love.
- It is the first disk formatter able to initialize and verify disks
- (hold your breath) **in background**. To access this feature, you need
- the Thread Manager Extension from Apple Computer, unless you have
- System 7.5 which incorporates it.
- New since version 2.2:
- Special menu;
- enhanced eject option;
- optional zoom rects when zooming the main window.
- Enjoy yourself and remember the $10 shareware fee!
- [Archived as /info-mac/disk/disk-charmer-221.hqx; 46K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 5 Oct 1994 12:12:11 +0100 (MET)
- From: pottier@clipper.ens.fr (Francois Pottier)
- Subject: [*] Disk Wizard 1.0.3 - LE programme de gestion de disquettes!
- Resume des possibilites de Disk Wizard:
- - Catalogue les disques *automatiquement* lors de l'ejection!
- - Analyse les archives Stuffit 3.0 et Compact Pro!
- - Permet une recherche "offline" puissante.
- - Envoie des Apple Events au Finder pour selectionner les fichiers.
- - Copie les fichiers rapidement vers votre disque dur.
- - Fonctionne avec disquettes, CDs, SyQuest, etc.
- Systeme 7 necessaire; shareware ($10 ou 50-60 francs).
- [Archived as /info-mac/disk/disk-wizard-103-fr.hqx; 86K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 5 Oct 1994 12:05:30 +0100 (MET)
- From: pottier@clipper.ens.fr (Francois Pottier)
- Subject: [*] Disk Wizard 1.0.3 - the ultimate disk cataloging software!
- Version 1.0.3 fixes a bug which caused Disk Wizard to
- crash when scanning disks if the application had never been run
- before. Also, Disk Wizard is more friendly to people with small
- screens.
- Summary of Disk Wizard's features:
- - Scans disks *automatically* when you eject them!
- - Scans inside Stuffit 3.0 and Compact Pro archives!
- - Offers a powerful offline searching facility.
- - Sends Apple events to the Finder to select files.
- - Offers a fast, robust routine to copy files to your hard disk.
- - Catalogs any removable disk, including CDs.
- Requires System 7 or later. $10 Shareware. Try it!
- I am the author (pottier@dmi.ens.fr). This version should
- replace version 1.0.2.
- [Archived as /info-mac/disk/disk-wizard-103.hqx; 86K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 05 Oct 1994 22:43:53 -0600
- From: pedrojr@utxvms.cc.utexas.edu (Pedro Terroba Jr.)
- Subject: [*] Ferrari; a picture
- This is a picture of a Ferrari 512TR floating in the air. Looks best in
- thousands of colors and on a 14" moniter.
- Thanks PJT
- [Archived as /info-mac/grf/ferrari-512tr-floating.hqx; 113K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 6 Oct 1994 01:43:18 -0700
- From: heilmayr@math.berkeley.edu (Klaus)
- Subject: [*] FinderFont 2.1.1; a substitue for Geneva
- Someone requested this recently...
- FinderFont 2.1.1, by Raymond DiBugnara, is a narrower version of Geneva,
- intended to be used as a substitute for 9 pt. Geneva in the Finder. It looks
- almost like Geneva, but file names take up a little less space. An italic
- version is also included (for alias names). This package also includes
- FinderFont Narrow 1.0.0, an even narrower version of Geneva. All the
- fonts are 9 point bitmaps only.
- -Klaus
- [Archived as /info-mac/font/finder-font-211.hqx; 17K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 5 Oct 1994 18:14:54 -0500
- From: Hal Hupp <hhupp@eskimo.com>
- Subject: [*] Hal's Bookmarks; for Anarchie or Fetch
- Anarchie is a great program, but its creator sortof went over-board with
- the info-mac and umich mirror list.
- This replacement Bookmarks file contains a few of the original mirrors
- as well as direct connections for key programs likes SAM defs, Disinfectant,
- SLIP software, and the like.
- Make a back-up of your old Bookmarks file just in case you need it and then
- replace it with mine.
- E-mail me and let me know if you like it.
- Also, send me any ftp sites you think should be added to the next version.
- Hal
- hhupp@eskimo.com
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/info/hals-bookmarks.hqx; 4K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 06 Oct 1994 00:41:41 -0500 (CDT)
- From: Jason Wallace <JW15851@academia.swt.edu>
- Subject: [*] JW_Space_island.jpg; a picture
- This graphic was produced in several days of on and off work. It is a graphic
- of
- a misty island
- in what appears to be an ocean. There is a light house on the island, shining
- brightly into space
- behind it. With several planets in the background. Quite nice.
- I can do specific graphic work on request, see the ReadME. The picture is in
- the
- J-Peg format.
- E-mail me if you like it, Thanks!!
- Jason /Mufasa/
- [Archived as /info-mac/grf/jw-space-island-jpg.hqx; 91K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 6 Oct 1994 02:36:01 +0100 (MET)
- From: stk@contrib.de (Stefan Kurth)
- Subject: [*] Keys! 1.0b3; an alternative to command keys
- Hi everyone,
- Keys! is a control panel that underlines the first letter of every button
- or checkbox in modal dialogs, and lets you press command-<letter> instead
- of clicking the respective button.
- This version has a new feature that lets you exclude certain applications
- (especially for those of you who have problems with Compuserve Information
- Manager). Unlike the rest of Keys!, this feature requires System 7, and it
- has to be configured with ResEdit for now.
- This feature was already present in _some_ of the 1.0b2 copies that were
- floating around, but not all of them, and it wasn't mentioned in the docs.
- There are no other changes since 1.0b2, so if you aren't having any problems
- with certain applications, there's no need for you to download it.
- Regards,
- -Stefan (stk@contrib.de)
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/keys-10b3.hqx; 17K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 4 Oct 1994 19:53:17 -0400 (EDT)
- From: "Barbara A. Bender" <bbender@mailer.fsu.edu>
- Subject: [*] LEU.10/94; Low End User magazine
- The 10/94 issue of the Low-End User EMagazine is distributed in DOCMaker
- format, a standalone application with excellent hypertext functions.
- Columns: This month's columns include some non-standard tips on taking
- your PowerBook on the road, information about System 7.5, and Macs on
- television.
- Articles: RAMDoubler 1.5 and a look at computers, freedom and Molotov
- Cocktails.
- Reviews: QuickFormat, MacAssasin, WarBirds, MooVer
- Special Feature: Room 204, a Macintosh ghost story for Halloween.
- Other Features: News&Rumors, Tips&Advice, Problems & Bug Reports, Great
- Deals, Questions & Answers and more.
- The LEU loves to travel, so pass it around.
- [Archived as /info-mac/per/user/low-end-user-94-10.hqx; 88K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 5 Oct 1994 11:23:32 +1200
- From: glenn.anderson@stonebow.otago.ac.nz (Glenn Anderson)
- Subject: [*] MailShare 1.0b7; an SMTP server
- MailShare, an Internet (SMTP and POP3) mail server for the Macintosh.
- Requires System 7 or later, MacTCP and a Mac Plus or later.
- Glenn. glenn.anderson@stonebow.otago.ac.nz
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/tcp/mail/mail-share-10b7.hqx; 111K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 5 Oct 1994 13:13:47 +0100
- From: Joerg.Schaeffer@nestroy.wu-wien.ac.at (Joerg Schaeffer)
- Subject: [*] My roundup on Macintosh Security Software (11K)
- Hello to everyone.
- Some time ago I was looking for a Macintosh security package to do
- the following features:
- > * let me lock the System folder with a password
- > * let me create separate protected folders for users on each machine
- > * be compatible with 030 and 040 Macs (Performa 450 and 475 mainly)
- > * be compatible with AtEase 2.0 (if possible!)
- > * allow a user to access his protected folder over an
- > Appletalk network via Personal FileSharing
- > * be easy to use for the users (and not too tough to set up for me :)
- > * be compatible with most (if not all) standard apps
- Here are the responses I got:
- [Archived as /info-mac/info/sft/security-software.txt; 10K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 4 Oct 94 22:10:13 EDT
- From: schooley@ee.gatech.edu (David Schooley)
- Subject: [*] New_eps_fixer; a PostScript utility
- EPS Fixer allows you to view, adjust, and create the PICT
- preview resources included in Macintosh EPSF files. This
- version fixes the infamous end-of-file-error bug and allows
- you to keep the status window from showing. This program
- supports Macintosh Drag and Drop and is scriptable. The
- archive includes versions for both 68K and PPC Macintoshes.
- System 7.0 or later is required. Version 1.2 allows you to
- insert a PICT file into an EPS file. You can drag or paste
- preview pictures _into_ an EPSF file from another
- application. This version fixes the infamous
- end-of-file-error bug. If you plan to use this program on a
- Power Macintosh, be sure to read the note regarding
- ObjectSupportLib in the docs.
- [Archived as /info-mac/grf/util/eps-fixer-12.hqx; 308K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 5 Oct 1994 17:55:28 -0700
- From: ace@tidbits.com (Adam C. Engst)
- Subject: [*] NewsWatcher 2.0b14; a news client
- This is the latest version of John Norstad's excellent MacTCP-based Usenet
- newsreader, NewsWatcher. 2.0b14 adds several useful new commands, including
- the capability of searching active windows for text strings. Another useful
- addition is the Mark Others Read command, for marking the non-selected (ie,
- uninteresting) articles as read.
- PS: For those people who got NewsWatcher 2.0b13 from Usenet in 11 parts and
- lost a part - I don't do the splitting, so no, I can't send you Part 6 or
- whatever your server munched. I strongly recommend that you use FTP to get
- this stuff anyway.
- cheers ... -Adam
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/tcp/news-watcher-20b14.hqx; 426K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: 06 Oct 94 14:53:49 EDT
- From: John Brochu <70376.1235@compuserve.com>
- Subject: [*] ProCalc 1.2.1 Scientific Calculator
- ProCalc is a professional, easy-to-use, and fully customizable
- desktop calculator with comprehensive scientific and binary math
- functions, paper tape, optional RPN, and a very realistic look
- and feel. This is a major upgrade to v1.1.0, which was awarded
- an Honorable Mention in the 1994 MacUser Shareware Awards.
- System 7 is fully supported, and recommended, but not required.
- * Fixed rounding error and fixed-point number display problem.
- * Fixed Enter key to work in RPN 4-function mode.
- * Added support for multiple monitors and resolution-switching
- software.
- * Improved graphics, including a new smaller iconized-state icon.
- * Several other minor changes and bug fixes. Detailed revision
- list included.
- NOTE: Please send any email to "johnbrochu@aol.com", NOT to my
- CIS address. Thanks.
- [Archived as /info-mac/app/pro-calc-121.hqx; 148K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 6 Oct 94 09:55:05 EDT
- From: Squeegee@cris.com
- Subject: [*] profont103.hqx (new release of ProFont)
- This is ProFont 1.0.3. It is a new release of ProFont which includes
- installation instructions for both 68K and Power Macintosh. Also
- included is a less complicated installation procedure for those who
- don't want to replace Monaco 9, but do want a good-looking 9 pt font.
- ProFont is a great font for programmers & telecommunicators which
- replaces Monaco 9. It includes slashed zeros, seriffed ells, etc. This
- package makes ProFont available to people who run System 7. ProFont was
- created by Andrew Welch. It was formerly ShareWare, but Andrew has
- generously offered to make it FreeWare provided he maintains credit as
- its creator. The author of the distribution is Steve Gilardi of SQ
- Software. This package has been tested with Systems 7, 7.0.1, 7.1, and
- 7.5 on both 68K and Power Macintosh.
- [Archived as /info-mac/font/pro-font-103.hqx; 23K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 5 Oct 1994 09:50:23 -0400 (EDT)
- From: chemalyr@ERE.UMontreal.CA (Chemaly Rene)
- Subject: [*] Pro Predictor Week#5 Update; NFL data file
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/pro/pro-predictor-94-05.hqx; 12K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 5 Oct 1994 15:43:41 +0800
- From: Quinn <quinn@cs.uwa.edu.au>
- Subject: [*] Quinn's ObiWan Preferences
- Greetings
- This file, when dropped into your Preferences folder, will reinstate the
- original startup and invokation sounds that were present in ObiWan 4 but
- disappeared in ObiWan 5.
- Requires ObiWan 5.0.1.
- Share and Enjoy.
- [Archived as /info-mac/dev/obi-wan-501-quinns-prefs.hqx; 8K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 6 Oct 1994 11:42:41 -0700 (PDT)
- From: David L Harris <harrisd@leland.Stanford.EDU>
- Subject: [*] RoboWar 4.0; program your own robot combat
- Attached is RoboWar 4.0, the latest release of the 5-year-old
- shareware game on the Macintosh. In RoboWar, you can program
- robots, then turn them loose in the arena to fight to the death.
- RoboWar features a complete programming environment, icon
- animation facilities, and digitized sound. Twice a year,
- RoboWarriors from around the world can submit their best bots to
- the International RoboWar Tournament for fame and glory.
- RoboWar 4.0 now runs native on PowerMacs as well as 68K Macs.
- It features several new instructions and interrupts, improved
- documentation, and many small bug fixes. This distribution
- also includes the winning robots from the eight tournaments
- held so far.
- RoboWar is shareware; the author requests $15.
- Happy hacking!
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/robowar-40.hqx; 716K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 5 Oct 1994 18:15:01 -0500
- From: tgiron@PrimeNet.Com (Tim Giron)
- Subject: [*] Scales & Modes version 1.0; guitar scales
- The accompanying program Scales & Modes version 1.0, graphically shows over
- 50 scales as they appear on a standard-tuned guitar neck. Their are two
- views; the full view shows the entire neck (22 or 24 frets) and the zoom
- view shows approximately 10-12 frets displayed at a larger size. The tonic
- note is shown as a circled dot while the rest of the notes which make up
- the scale are shown as ellipses.
- The program has been tested on several machines from a Mac Plus to a Mac
- IIfx to a PowerMac 6100. I started the program a couple of years ago but
- never really finished it. This last week I put in the finishing touches so
- that I could upload it to the world !!!
- [Archived as /info-mac/info/nms/scales-and-modes-10.hqx; 20K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 5 Oct 1994 13:59:59 +0100
- From: simula3@di.unito.it (Fabrizio Oddone)
- Subject: [*] SetupPartitions 1.0.4; more than 1 Mac partition w/Apple HD Setup
- SetupPartitions is a neat utility that lets you create more
- than one Macintosh partition on a hard disk formatted with
- Apple HD SC Setup.
- It _requires_ at least System 6.0.4 to run.
- SetupPartitions lets you use true, "hard" partitions
- (as opposed to "soft" partitions).
- New since version 1.0.3:
- "Fat" application;
- improved documentation.
- Enjoy yourself and remember the US$10 shareware fee!
- [Archived as /info-mac/disk/setup-partitions-104.hqx; 41K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 04 Oct 94 16:12:10 CDT
- From: Rob Shaw <shawr@Ext.Missouri.edu>
- Subject: [*] Shareware Survey
- While trying to enhance my virtual sensitivity for CPU multicultural
- issues ;) I came across this on (~shudder~) IBMPC-L and thought the
- Info-Mac folks might enjoy it:
- [Archived as /info-mac/info/sft/shareware-case-study.txt; 5K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 6 Oct 1994 00:12:32 -0700
- From: johnneil@netcom.com (John M. Neil)
- Subject: [*] SoftwareFPU 3.01; an FPU emulator
- SoftwareFPU is a shareware Macintosh utility which allows applications
- requiring a Floating Point Unit (FPU) to work on computers without one,
- such as the IIsi, IIvi, LC series, Classic II & Color Classic series,
- Performa series, Power Macintosh, and some models of PowerBook, PowerBook
- Duo, and Quadra series. Drop this control panel onto your System folder
- and FPU applications that formerly crashed will begin working.
- SoftwareFPU requires a 68020, 68030, 68LC040, or PowerPC processor.
- SoftwareFPU 3.01 fixes a minor emulation bug that prevented MacRLab from
- working properly, and lists new fax and (800) registration lines for
- faster delivery of the registered version. SoftwareFPU 3.0 and later is
- fully System 7.5 compatible.
- If you use SoftwareFPU, please register your copy with John Neil &
- Associates, P.O. Box 2156, Cupertino, CA 95015. The registration fee for
- the shareware 68K-only version is just $10. A "fat" 68K/PowerPC version
- with twice the performance is available for $20. You can also register
- on-line using CompuServe (GO SWREG), or by calling (800) 663-2943, or by
- fax at (415) 661-2944, or by e-mail at johnneil@netcom.com. Registered
- users will receive a free upgrade that allows the startup "thank you"
- balloon to be hidden. Registration information and a registration form
- are available at the end of the manual or by clicking the "Plea" button
- in the SoftwareFPU control panel.
- The shareware version will work on Power Macintosh computers but is not
- PowerPC-native. A PowerPC-native version can be obtained by registering
- with John Neil & Associates. Current registered users can upgrade to the
- latest PowerPC-native version for $10.
- [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/software-fpu-301.hqx; 90K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 5 Oct 1994 23:25:38 +0100 (MET)
- From: rickard@softlab.se (Rickard Andersson)
- Subject: [*] WakeUp1.3; audio control of your screen saver
- This is version 1.3 of the WakeUp system extension.
- The package contains the WakeUp application, the WakeUp Daemon,
- a README-document and a system7 sound.
- Remember that the WakeUp system extension is ($5) shareware.
- + WakeUp lets you use the microphone to wake your screen saver.
- + WakeUp lets you play a sound when your screen saver wakes up.
- Author: Rickard Andersson
- E-Mail: rickard@softlab.se
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/wake-up-13.hqx; 54K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 5 Oct 94 22:27:15 EDT
- From: davea@xetron.com (Dave Alverson)
- Subject: [*] ZTerm 1.0b2 Terminal Emulator - PUBLIC BETA - 04 Oct 94
- This is a Public Beta version of ZTerm. New features include Kermit,
- 16 color ANSI, Drag Manager support, dynamic scroll bar, user selected
- fonts (including 2 byte fonts like Japanese) and an AutoOpen feature to
- allow postprocessing of downloaded files depending on file type. It is
- a fat binary (PowerMac and 68k code).
- Other features: X/Y/ZModem, compuserve B+/QuickB support. VT100 and
- PC ANSI-BBS emulation. Very simple scripting. Does not support Comm
- Toolbox tools, but does allow use of additional serial ports registers
- thru the comm toolbox.
- Shareware: $30US registration only, $40 US registration with disk.
- No upgrade fee for registered users of older versions.
- Uploaded by author.
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/term/zterm-10b2.hqx; 380K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 6 Oct 94 08:29:34 EST
- From: iedh1@agt.gmeds.com ( Daniel J. Hofferth (317)230-4791/Allison Engine
- Company)
- Subject: (Q) At Ease 2.0.x with FileTyper/Snitch?
- I've activated At Ease at home to protect Mac-vitals from three Mac-kids.
- More or less simultaneously, I've tried to install "FileTyper Menu"... and
- failing that... "Snitch" to give me the ability to query and set various
- file attributes such as type/creator, etc. directly in the Finder. The
- problem appears to be that the installation of At Ease clobbers the
- installation of both FileTyper Menu and Snitch, as either appears to load
- but fails to show up when At Ease puts me in the Finder. My guess is that
- they install themselves, then At Ease loads... dumping the modified Finder,
- and when I log into At Ease I get a new unmodified Finder. Sound right?
- This theory is strengthened by the fact that; if I turn At Ease off, either
- utility will load and operate correctly. (So I know they both work fine)
- Any advice out there on how to keep At Ease running (top priority) and
- still have something like FileTyper Menu or Snitch available to Finder
- enabled users?
- Dan Hofferth
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 6 Oct 94 07:27:21 EST
- From: iedh1@agt.gmeds.com ( Daniel J. Hofferth (317)230-4791/Allison Engine
- Company)
- Subject: (R) SCSI 4.3 Problems? (Sigma PowerPortrait)
- Tim,
- Responding to:
- > Date: Wed, 5 Oct 1994 11:29:02 -0400 (EDT)
- > From: Tim Colson <tlcolson@cmg.health.ufl.edu>
- > Subject: (Q) SCSI 4.3 Problems?
- >
- > I have a problem with a Sigma Designs PowerPortrait on a PowerBook 145
- > with and external HD and CD and System 7.5 - even with just the Sigma
- > Control Panel running - it causes crashes and odd display ghosting and such.
- >
- > It has been suggested that the "invisible" asynch SCSI might be the
- > culprit? Anyone have any suggestions..and/or ideas how to get rid of it
- > besides going into ResEdit, making it "visible" and then dragging it out?
- >
- > Timothy Colson
- > "tlcolson@ufl.edu"
- > Thanks Everybody!
- Not exactly answering your question... but:
- You don't mention which version of Sigma's driver you are running...
- They currently have a "beta" of 2.0.3 available. However, 2.0.2 is the
- last stable one I had on a Classic II with System 7.1/HSU 3.0.
- I've just moved to a Performa 630CD with 7.1.2P... and Sigma's 2.0.2
- driver completely locks the machine up. 2.0.3.beta gets me running again
- but I've got problems that sound similar to yours. This has yet to be
- resolved and, frankly, I'm not too confidant that Sigma is going to do it.
- Their statement on the phone was-- "We only support the Classic, Classic II,
- SE, and older PowerBook type machines." As they do not sell the Power-
- Portrait anymore, I doubt the level of support we are going to see from
- them in the future is going to be worth much on any machine... but I'd
- be thrilled to be proven wrong (Any Sigma Reps out there??).
- I have certainly enjoyed the product on a machine for which it was designed!
- Just unhappy about the inability to move it to my new speedster.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 06 Oct 94 11:07:23 EDT
- From: "Allan M. Bloom" <IRBLOOM@VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU>
- Subject: 7.5 CDROM (A)
- On Tue, 4 Oct, Jonathan Lundell wrote
- >I have a Q610 with a CD-ROM, as well as a IIcx and a Duo 210 on an AppleTalk
- >network. If I get System 7.5 on CD-ROM, obviously I can load it with no
- >trouble on the Quadra. If necessary, I can move the drive to the cx. But
- >can I load 7.5 across the net on the Duo?
- Yup. A feature of System 7 file sharing lets you do it. If the CD-ROM
- is mounted when File Sharing fires up, it can be "shared" across the
- network just like your hard disks. Just (1) turn sharing off, (2) mount
- the CD-ROM, (3) turn sharing back on, (4) hilite the CD-ROM, (5) activate
- sharing (file menu), and (6) go to it. The other machines can install
- >From the shared volume.
- Al Bloom, Virginia Tech
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 6 Oct 94 8:52:37 EDT
- From: "Gregory G. Papatrefon" (FSAC-ND) <gpapat@PICA.ARMY.MIL>
- Subject: [Q] Mac 630, IDE Hard Drive
- My question is does anyone own a Quadra 630? How do you like it. Also,
- does anyone have familiarity with the hard drive for use in it. Supposidly,
- it takes an IDE, PC-ish type of hard drive. The article said that most
- hard drives are compatible. Which ones aren't? Where can I go to get
- thisinfo.
- Also, the article said that it requires a drive specific formatting program.
- In other words, can't use Mac-type 3rd party formatting programs.
- Greg
- x5482,x3333
- gpapat@PICA.army.mil
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 06 Oct 1994 12:50:02 PDT
- From: Scott McLagan <smclagan@schdist43.bc.ca>
- Subject: A/UX versus a 'real' UNIX box
- Hi folks.
- Big dilemna:
- We'd like a domain name/ftp/mail/gopher server for our school
- district WAN. I read with great interest the report that
- Tom Scott built on Mac Internet Hosts (thanks Tom) but I'm
- still not clear on:
- 1) Can all of these services be delivered under A/UX?
- 2) Does A/UX run on PowerMacs?
- 3) If I must buy an el-cheapo Unix box, how ugly is it to
- learn and operate? (and teach to kids)
- I have no burning desire to dive into Unix. All I really want
- is the TCP/IP services. Obviously, a Sun or HP Unix box is
- well-suited to this, but I like the idea of using a fast Mac
- which could do the WAN stuff and other things as well.
- Am I dreaming? Should I buy a low-end Unix box instead?
- Much thanks,
- Scott McLagan (smclagan@schdist43.bc.ca)
- Coordinator for Computers, School District 43 (Coquitlam)
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 6 Oct 1994 20:03:40 +0000
- From: Neil Christie <neil@christie.demon.co.uk>
- Subject: Any typing tutors around
- Does anyone know of any free / shareware typing tutors or helpers as I want
- to improve touch my touch typing, if my typoing qualifies as touch typing
- anyway :)
- Any help appreciated, Neil.
- Neil Christie, Neil@christie.demon.co.uk, Apple Macintosh Centris 660AV
- 8/230 CD.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 6 Oct 94 19:47:31 EDT
- From: leo@ramsey.cs.laurentian.ca (Prof. L.G. Leduc)
- Subject: Chemical Formulae
- Hi,
- I'm looking for a small program which can make chemical formulae for different
- types of organic compounds. I'm interested in something simple that will work
- with MS Word 5.1. In other words, I would like to copy from the formula
- builder and paste it into MS Word.
- If anyone knows of such a beast, please send Email directly to me.
- Thanks in advance.
- Leo G. Leduc
- leo@ramsey.cs.laurentian.ca
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 05 Oct 1994 16:00:42 -0600 (CST)
- From: David Coons <EKDFC@ttacs1.ttu.edu>
- Subject: Chooser zones yes, devices no
- A faculty member's PowerMac (Sys 7.1.2) is on a campus Ethernet
- network, and the Chooser displays all 16 zones on campus. But
- after selecting any driver, such as AppleShare, no devices are
- displayed in the right-hand box. Other Macs display all services/
- devices. Can anyone give me some ideas as to what to check? I've
- updated AppleTalk and EtherTalk.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 05 Oct 1994 15:14:12 -0700
- From: dgoodvin@ups.edu (Dale Goodvin)
- Subject: desktop textures installer
- I recently loaded "desktop textures installer 2.1" onto my computer and it
- worked great until it crashed my whole system (Performa 7.1P3) with bomb
- warnings and the whole bit! Not pretty. Does anyone know a simple, safe
- free/shareware program for installing desktop textures (and where to find it)?
- Dale Goodvin (dgoodvin@ups.edu)
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 6 Oct 1994 10:12:56 +0800
- From: michael@iss.nus.sg (Michael S. Fenton)
- Subject: Help: System 7.5 and NEC 5FGp Monitor
- Greetings,
- I had my 5FGp working nicely with the display enabler extension under 7.1
- (DPI-on-the-Fly doesn't like Ram Doubler), changing resolutions from
- "Monitors" and so on.
- Then I decided to upgrade to 7.5, and, while I like most of it, the 5FGp
- has been reduced to 640 X 480 mode. It seems that the display driver only
- wants to recognize Apple's multisynch monitors.
- Anyone got a 5FGp fully working with 7.5? Needs a new cable?
- Thanks for any advice.
- Regards,
- Mike
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 6 Oct 1994 20:04:11 +0000
- From: Neil Christie <neil@christie.demon.co.uk>
- Subject: Huge MacTCP Control Panel
- Has anyone else found that their MacTCP Control Panel has swollen to huge
- sizes. While playing around the other day I noticed that mine was over 3
- meg in size! I reinstalled it and everything is working fine and it's only
- 112K now. There are only about six name servers defined so I cannot
- understand why it should have been so large. I am using MacTCP v2.0.4 and
- MacPPP v2.0.1. Everything still works fine with the 112K version:)
- Any similar experiences, reasons, comments, Neil.
- Neil Christie, Neil@christie.demon.co.uk, Apple Macintosh Centris 660AV
- 8/230 CD.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 6 Oct 1994 05:00:57 -0700 (PDT)
- From: Ron Ehrens <ron@kaiwan.com>
- Subject: Info-Mac Digest V12 #131
- Does anyone have any info on Insigna's Soft Windows , release 2,..??I'am
- trying to find out when it's comming out and if it will support Windows
- Extended mode? Email ron@kaiwan.com if you have info or know where I
- can get some info.,,,?Thanks "R
- * Ron Ehrens ron@kaiwan.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 6 Oct 1994 10:48:31 +1000
- From: c.mclaughlin@uws.edu.au (Colin McLaughlin)
- Subject: Info-Mac Digest V12 #132
- At 1:34 pm 5/10/94, The Info-Mac Moderators wrote:
- >
- >Date: Tue, 4 Oct 1994 19:40:39 -0400
- >From: lstein@panix.com (Luke Stein)
- >Subject: Mosaic 200a8.68k does some crazy stuff
- >
- >To repeat the oft quoted first line of a submission to info-mac:
- >"subject says it all"
- >
- >In versions up to a8, I have not experienced similar problems. Constant
- >crashes, Open URL... has no response, regardless of Greg's Buttons menus
- >are in applesuglymonospacedfont. If anybody has any similar problems,
- >please help me. Also, does anyone know where I can get a copy of Mosaic
- >200a6 (notice Alpha SIX). I can't find it anywhere, and I want to continue
- >using it until I can fix my problems with A8
- >
- >muchly gracious,
- ><+>lukestein
- Why don't you try MacWeb as an alternative. I ffind it easier to use and
- very stable
- Colin McLaughlin University of Western Sydney Macarthur
- Senior Administrative Officer Student Services Division
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 05 Oct 94 22:54:06 EDT
- From: Allan Hunter <AHUNTER@CCVM.SUNYSB.EDU>
- Subject: Info-Mac Digest V12 #132
- There are cheap graphics tablets available now--Summagraphics is selling
- the little 6x9 SummaSketch bundled with Fractal Design's Dabbler for
- $129 in several different mail catalogs, and at that price, and given
- that my PowerMac intentions + noticing that there doesn't seem to be a
- PPC-native version of SuperPaint hitting the market, I figured I'd have
- use of both products soon enough. Can't tell you anything about the
- Dabbler yet, but here's some feedback on the tablet--
- It is definitely an elegant way to draw things after years of muddling
- along with a mouse trying to do freehand work. There is the option of
- having it work like a mouse (lift the pen away from the tablet & put
- it down elsewhere and the screen cursor is where you left it) or in a
- directly mapped 1-to-1 correspondence (lift the pen away from the tablet{
- and put it down elsewhere and the screen cursor shows up at a corres-
- ponding point elsewhere on screen). It is not pressure-sensitive as far
- as I can discern from playing on a black-and-white Mac using SuperPaint.
- The driver software doubles as a control panel which is necessary in
- order to calibrate the correspondence of tablet position to screen;
- this control panel is so horribly designed as to make one wonder if it's
- the reason for the nice price: you have an x-axis scroll bar and a
- y-axis scroll bar accompanied by a digital readout, but you can't do a
- keyboard entry. This means that you have two choices: either you must
- use the tablet's pen to operate the scroll bars, in which case as soon
- as they begin moving so does your pointing tool (right off the damn
- scroll bars unless you correct for it, in which case you can't easily
- tell how far you've moved the coordinate on screen); or you set the
- tablet aside and reach for the trusty mouse, which has no trouble with
- the scroll bars but means that you can't watch the point on screen move
- to tell if you're going in the direction and to the distance you want to
- go. Reminds me of a cartoon of a tool with a broom on one end and a
- dustpan on the other. Fortunately, there's no overriding reason to
- change the coordinates unless you have multiple monitors, and even then
- you can write down the numbers once you've figured them out.
- The power supply plugs into what looks like a PC's serial connector
- that leads to an ADB junction box (the better for those whose Macs only
- have one ADB port, so you can hook the mouse to the other port on the
- junction box). Unfortunately, the tablet itself emits a thin whiny
- high-pitched "Eeeee!" hum and unfortunately there is no power switch
- so in order to be nice to one's ears while working in applications where
- tablet input is not desired the only easy solution is to pull the power
- supply jack out of the serial connector. I'm planning on cutting the
- wire and installing an automotice toggle switch to the underside of my
- desk.
- Available thru Tiger Software.
- -Allan Hunter
- <ahunter@sbccvm>
- <ahunter@ccvm.sunysb.edu>
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 6 Oct 1994 10:19:21 -0500
- From: holtzman@stjohns.edu (Michael S. Holtzman)
- Subject: Launcher weirdness (7100/66, sys 7.5)
- Greetings. I just installed System 7.5 on my PowerMac, and I thought I
- would experiment with Launcher. I put aliases of some applications and
- some documents into the "Launcher Items" folder, which added buttons for
- these items to the Launcher window. These items are all labeled as "ALIAS"
- type files in the Launcher window, and GET INFO shows them as aliases, with
- the path to the original.
- After puttering for a while, the items in the Launcher Items folder have
- mysteriously changed to applications (NOT aliases anymore). Opening GET
- INFO on an application shows it takes 2K on disk (like an alias), and there
- is no reference to an original. Launching it now uses the Launcher Items
- folder as the home directory, so data files, etc., cannot be found by the
- program. I.e., the application does not resolve itself back to the
- original before opening.
- Is this the normal behavior for the Launcher, or is something messed up on
- this system?? Thanx in advance.
- Michael S. Holtzman HOLTZMAN@SJUVM.BITNET Perboyre Hall B14
- Mgr, Academic Systems HOLTZMAN@SJUVM.STJOHNS.EDU Jamaica, NY 11439
- St. John's University (718) 990-1637
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 5 Oct 1994 23:06:51 -0700
- From: redmonds@sfu.ca
- Subject: MacCheck
- I know I've seen this at some point in the past. Can anyone tell me where
- to find it?
- Thanks.
- Gord Edmonds (e-mail: redmonds@sfu.ca)
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 06 Oct 94 21:05:11 EDT
- From: "Allan M. Bloom" <IRBLOOM@VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU>
- Subject: MacLink 8
- Someone asked the other day about when DataViz might release the MacLink 8
- translator package. I replied promptly and inaccurately (Hey! At least it
- wasn't publicly) that I hadn't even heard a whisper about version 8, and
- that my new System 7.5 came with MacLink 7.52, and that I wouldn't
- hold my breath on anything of the 8 persuasion.
- Good move, Bloom. This afternoon's mail contained an upgrade offer from
- DataViz for MacLink 8. Uh, yes. There is a MacLink 8. Not quite ready to
- ship, mind. I called in my upgrade order and was told it'd be a few weeks.
- I love it when a plan comes together.
- Al Bloom, Virginia Tech
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 5 Oct 1994 21:38:55 +0100
- From: "Dr.Thomas Hacklaender" <hacklaen@clio.rz.uni-duesseldorf.de>
- Subject: Newton info & software?
- Does anyone know ftp-sites besides this one and newton.uiowa.edu to get more
- info and/or software?
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 6 Oct 1994 13:46:19 -0500 (CDT)
- From: Mark Vellek <mvellek@bigcat.missouri.edu>
- Subject: Now Utilities 5.0
- Below is the summation of what happened when I tried to install this on
- my Centris 610 and system 7.1.1. Got great tech support, and it worked to
- boot!
- Date: 10/3/94 11:33 AM
- > To: TS Internet
- > From: Mark Vellek
- > Okay, just received my update (and I didn't request FeEx for $7.95
- > either, by the way - despite the fact they wouldn't deliver it to my
- > address for two days) and it bombs my Centris 610 running 7.1.1. Says
- > it's only running 7.1.0 and then reports a bomb when Now Toolbox tries to
- > load and offers only to restart. Yes, I turned off all extensions first
- > before installation. What gives? Do I need to return this? I had to
- > re-install 4.0.1p and it lost all my preferences. Need some advice on
- > this one.
- >
- > Mark Vellek
- > Columbia, MO
- Here's the reply I received:
- > Restart your computer with extensions off (hold down shift key). Go into
- the
- > System Folder and into the Preferences folder. Open the Now Utilities
- prefs
- > folder. Move the Now Toolbox prefs to the trash. Empty the trash.
- Restart
- > like normal and test.
- >
- > Please let me know if I can be of further
- assistance.
- >
- > Best Regards,
- >
- > Michael Casdorph
- > Technical Services Engineer
- > Now Software, Inc.
- > -------------------------
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 6 Oct 94 07:58:24 BST
- From: Chris Reed <c.s.reed@sheffield.ac.uk>
- Subject: Quark Updater 3.31r2 - only works on US English versions!
- In Info-Mac Digest V12 #127, 25 Sep 1994,
- Kenneth.Trueman@residences.ulaval.ca (Kenneth Trueman) kindly uploaded the
- Quark XPress Updater 3.31 Release 2:
- >Here is the good version of the updater to Quark XPress. Taken from AOL.
- >
- >Kenneth
- >
- >[Archived as /info-mac/app/quark-xpress-331-updt.hqx; 481K]
- However, this updater only works on the US English version!
- When I run the updater, it tells me "The selected file is not an updatable
- version of QuarkXPress 3.3". When I queried this problem to the QuarkXPress
- list, Quark technical support confirmed today:
- >Reply to: Chris Reed <c.s.reed@SHEFFIELD.AC.UK>
- >Subject: RE: Quark 3.31 updater problems
- >
- >Chris,
- >
- >The Updater that you downloaded in only for the US English version of XPress.
- >If
- >you are using the International English version, the updater has not been
- >posted
- >online yet. You may be able to get it by calling our UK office at
- >44.483.451.818, it should also be posted on Compuserve in the next few days.
- >
- >Sincerely,
- >
- >Amy Snetzler
- >Quark Technical Support
- I know Quark get flamed most regularly for their inept customer support,
- but at least we get a reply to our comments on the Quark list.
- Nonetheless, release notes that actually *tell* the prospective upgrader
- that the damn thing only works on a particular version would have been most
- helpful. They could even have put it in the file name, like Aldus did for
- the FreeHand 4.0a and 4.0b updaters, to save us downloading it in the first
- place.
- I just hope I'm in time to save other non-US users the hassle and
- brow-furrowing this updater will cause them!
- Cheers,
- Chris
- Chris Reed DTP Design Unit
- Email: C.S.Reed@Sheffield.ac.uk University of Sheffield
- Tel: 0114 282 4161 (direct line) SHEFFIELD
- Fax: 0114 279 6395 S10 2TN, United Kingdom
- ------------------------------
- Date: 6 Oct 1994 09:59:45 U
- From: "Leiner_Dave" <dave.leiner@msmail.mtv.gtegsc.com>
- Subject: QuickDraw GX problem
- Previously I reported the following problem:
- >I tried installed Quickdraw GX (and System 7.5) on a Mac II with 12MB RAM and
- a
- >50MHZ 68030 Logicache accelerator. The install went fine, but when the Mac
- >booted, the Quickdraw GX icon had a black X through it and I got an error box
- >that said Quickdraw GX will not be active because its graphic system is not
- >installed. A call to Apple yielded no clue. Any ideas?
- Thanks to Michael Martin, it's now solved. Now Startup Manager was causing
- ColorSync to load after Quickdraw GX, which apparently is not OK. Since
- ColorSync was loading in the position it would have if it were a control panel,
- I guess it probably was indeed a control panel in a previous life. Therefore,
- this same thing may happen to others as well. Hopefully the rest of you won't
- have to waste two evenings on it now.
- --Dave
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 6 Oct 1994 17:37:43 +0100
- From: tarja%dsv.su.se@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU (Tarja Lintunen)
- Subject: seek info of user adjustability
- I am doing research on user adjustability in software systems, i.e.
- capabilities for adjusting the software for new requirements. This can be
- done by letting users define new commands, letting users build new data
- structures, letting users define formats, link types, report formats or
- letting users write code in built-in programming languages.
- I would be gratefull of any references, experiences, tips, recommendations
- of software with such facilities to try out etc. Please answer personally
- to me, since I do not read this list regularly. I will summarize the
- replies I get to this list. Thank you!
- Tarja
- My e-mail: tarja@dsv.su.se
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 5 Oct 1994 18:51:04 -0300 (ADT)
- From: "Dwight K. Lemke" <dlemke@juliet.stfx.ca>
- Subject: Stats packages
- I currently have student versions of Systat, Minitab, JMP and a $6 package
- called Mystat that I got while a grad student at U of Iowa. Any of them
- would do the job for an MBA student. In fact, Excel would probably cover
- most of what I would ask an MBA to be able to do. Have your son check
- with the bookstore at UChicago for one of the student version--all list
- for less than $150. Heck, even a Ph.D from a big quant school like Iowa
- doesn't need most of the features of the mainstream packages. All my
- disseration models were done on JMP--including a heck of a path model.
- -Dwight
- |>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| Dwight Lemke <dlemke@juliet.stfx.ca>
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 07 Oct 94 05:39:58 EDT
- From: Allan Hunter <AHUNTER@CCVM.SUNYSB.EDU>
- Subject: Uh oh, gotta un-".gz" the file??
- My list of compression suffixes and what to do to restore the file to
- pristine glory, etc., is missing an explanation of filetype.gz, although
- I have some hazy memory of something called "gzip"...anyway, how does
- one un-".gz" a file?
- -Allan Hunter
- <ahunter@sbccvm>
- <ahunter@ccvm.sunysb.edu>
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 5 Oct 94 17:47:01 EDT
- From: Douglas Reid <dreid@sms.business.uwo.ca>
- Subject: Unexplainable Shutdowns
- Please post this in the Mac Digest -- I can't seem to find an answer locally.
- My problem is straightforward. I'm using a Quadra 700, 20/330 configuration,
- with a cd-rom drive, tape backup and scanner attached. Everything's been
- working fine for the last year. Recently, I have encountered the most
- annoying problem.
- Sometimes, when I boot, before very much has started to load, the Mac will
- just shut down. Other times it boots fine. Still others, it shuts down of
- its own accord, without apparent warning, often right in the middle of
- something that I'm working on. I can't find a reason.
- First, I haven't added any software for at least 8 months so I doubt there's a
- conflict. Second, I took the box to a dealer who bench tested it and
- (naturally) couldn't replicate the mysterious shutdown problem.
- My only guess is that it might be a power supply problem. The internal power
- supply tested fine, but could line voltage fluctuations cause this type of
- shutdown? I am attached to the wall via a surge protector...what's going on?
- Apple hasn't been very useful. Since a dealer can't replicate the problem,
- it's hard to identify a cause.
- My questions: does anyone know of this or has had personal experience with a
- similar problem? Second, does anyone have any suggestions? What about an
- uninterruptable power supply? If so, any ideas on who makes a good one?
- Thanks in advance, please email to me at dreid@wbs.business.uwo.ca
- Douglas Reid
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 07 Oct 94 00:01:14 -0400
- From: "Keith E Gatling" <kgatling@mailbox.syr.edu>
- Subject: Where In The World Is Nobu Toge
- Does anyone out there know how I can contact Nobu Toge? Our school is using
- FlashIt, and we'd really like to pay him for it, but the last email and
- snail mail address I had for him apparently doesn't seem to be correct.
- And while we're talking about FlashIt, does anyone know of a screen dump
- utility that will allow me to delay the snapshot? I'm trying to do screen
- dumps of KeyCaps for some of the teachers here, but it can get pretty
- maddening using FlashIt, because each time you hold down one of the other
- keys (like, shift or option), you get a different type of snapshot.
- Thanks for the help!
- keg
- * kgatling@mailbox.syr.edu I've got plenty of opinions. Just ask my wife! *
- ------------------------------
- Date: 5 Oct 1994 23:56:14 -0000
- From: ksalper@news.delphi.com (KSALPER@DELPHI.COM)
- Subject: Windows NT Advanced Server + Select 360f?
- We needed a new fileserver at work, so aftermuch deliberation we decided
- to go with a Pentium running NT Advanced Server.
- We also have three unsupported printers, the Select 360 (with fax cards,
- no less...) and we need drivers. I know this is a long shot, but I've
- already hunted through all the Microsoft resources I could. Any
- information would be greatly appreciated.
- --Ken
- ------------------------------
- End of Info-Mac Digest
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